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Basic Sesh Tips

Keys to a Successful Sesh

Always keep water and snacks accessible to you and make sure you are in a suitable environment. Listen to your body! Never smoke when you are not in the right headspace for it. If you choose to to smoke with others, ensure that you feel safe and comfortable with your company. 

How to Buy

Of age marijuana users are encouraged to purchase cannabis through established dispensaries rather than buying illicitly through "dealers". Purchasing from dispensaries eliminates the risk factors of  the drug being laced with substances such as glass, PCP, and fentanyl. Safe Sesh advocates for supporting and uplifting BIPOC and female owned marijuana businesses. 


Though marijuana is not classified as addictive, people who become dependent on the drug may experience mild withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. These symptoms include, irritability, lack of appetite, insomnia, anxiety, and drug cravings. These symptoms usually last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on a person's usage. "Relapse" of the substance commonly occurs during this stage.

Safety Tips

If you are unsure of what you are consuming, always test your marijuana for unwanted substances before consuming. Test kits are available at most () clinics. If you don't have access to these kits, some common ways of checking for laced weed are checking for a gasoline type odor, containing unusual substances or appears glossy. If you notice any of these in your marijuana, throw it away. If you suspect that you have consumed laced weed, go to your nearest hospital or call 911 right away.​​

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